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According to authorities in Mozambique, at least 94 people have died, and 26 others are still missing after a ferry boat capsized off the country’s northern coast.
This all unfolded when an overloaded fishing vessel, not authorized for passenger transport, reportedly encountered ruff seas. Lourenco Machado of the Maritime Transport Institute revealed on state television “On Sunday we registered a maritime incident where at least 94 people died when a barge carrying 130 people capsized. We have recovered 94 bodies and 26 are missing.”
#Moçambique naufrágio faz cerca de mais de 80 vítimas em #Quissanga na Ilha de Moçambique na Província #Nampula. Há informações que dão conta de que as mesmas, fugiam de Quissanga (Ilha Moçambique-Nampula), por causa do surto de #Cólera que assolou aquela região! Muito triste.
— José A. M. (@Muianga) April 7, 2024

According to some local media, the passengers were trying to escape a rumored cholera outbreak on the mainland, which was reportedly fueled by widespread disinformation.
This comes as the country has been grappling with a severe cholera outbreak, reporting almost 15,000 cases and 32 deaths since October.