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High-profile Democratic lawmakers and former First Lady Michelle Obama have announced they will not attend President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration.

Some shit you should know before you read: Since the early days of American history, the tradition of former presidents attending the inauguration of their successors has symbolized the peaceful transfer of power and unity in governance. This custom, however, was first broken in 1801 when President John Adams chose not to attend the inauguration of his political rival, Thomas Jefferson, marking a rare instance of personal and political discord overshadowing tradition. Similarly, in 1829, First Lady Rachel Jackson was absent from President Andrew Jackson’s inauguration, but her absence was due to her death shortly before the event. The most recent skip occurred in 2020 when President-Elect Trump and First Lady Melania Trump missed the inauguration of President Biden.

Flickr Uscapitol Franklin D. Roosevelt's First Inauguration

What’s going on now: In addition to former First Lady Michelle Obama, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has confirmed she will not attend President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, citing her recovery from hip replacement surgery but providing no further explanation. Pelosi joins other Democratic lawmakers, including Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, in skipping the event.

Former Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama will attend the swearing-in ceremony, adhering to the tradition of witnessing the peaceful transfer of power, but they will not stay for the post-inauguration luncheon at the US Capitol. The luncheon, a custom dating back to 1897, will also see absences from Hillary Clinton and other high-profile figures.


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