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The FBI and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are openly warning about potential violent extremism and hate crimes surrounding the one-year anniversary of Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel.

What’s the deal: In a memo released by the National Counterterrorism Center, FBI, and DHS, all three agencies warned that the anniversary of Oct. 7 and other “further escalations” could “be a motivating factor for violent extremists and hate crime perpetrators to engage in violence or threaten public safety.” The memo added, “the expansion of the conflict further into the region could serve as motivation for violence against Jewish, Israeli, or American targets in retaliation for civilian deaths, and we cannot preclude the possibility that threat actors in the United States will react with violence to the death.”


Concerns also about hate crimes: The bulletin also revealed that the agencies are concerned about hate crimes. It said, “Over the past year, we have observed violent extremist activity and hate crimes in the United States linked to the conflict. Jewish, Muslim, or Arab institutions, including synagogues, mosques, and community centers, and large public gatherings, such as memorials, vigils, or other demonstrations, present attractive targets for violent attacks or for hoax threats by a variety of threat actors, including homegrown violent extremists, domestic violent extremists, and hate crime perpetrators who may view the anniversary as an opportunity to conduct an attack or other high-profile, illegal activity.”

The FBI also released a direct warning, saying, “It is essential to be watchful for threats against Jewish, Muslim, and Arab communities and institutions and to immediately contact law enforcement to report any suspicious activity.”


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