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Prosecutors involved in Harvey Weinstein’s case anticipate a November retrial as they probe additional sexual assault allegations against the former Hollywood producer.

Weinstein’s initial conviction in 2020 for rape and sexual assault was a landmark for the #MeToo movement. Over 80 women accused him of various forms of misconduct, but the New York Court of Appeals recently overturned his conviction. The court cited that allowing testimony from three women not directly linked to the charges against Weinstein compromised his right to a fair trial.

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During today’s hearing in Manhattan’s New York State criminal court, prosecutor Nicole Blumberg mentioned that Weinstein is accused of additional assaults within the statute of limitations. She told Justice Curtis Farber, “The people are still investigating in a trauma-informed manner. That is an ongoing process.” However, she could not specify when their investigation would be complete or if the findings would be presented to a grand jury.

Defense lawyer Arthur Aidala criticized the prosecution’s efforts to add new victims, suggesting it was an unfair delay tactic. Aidala commented, “Once again, we have the individual and we’re looking for a crime. We’ve got the ‘1-800-Get-Harvey’ hotline.” He also highlighted Weinstein’s health issues while in solitary confinement at Rikers Island.

In response, prosecutors disputed Weinstein’s lawyers’ claims, saying, “There’s certainly no delay tactics on our part. We’re proceeding in the most expeditious manner.”

The next pre-trial hearing is scheduled for July 19.


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