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Chinese coast guard ships fired water cannons at two Philippine vessels near the disputed Scarborough Shoal on Tuesday, causing damage to both vessels. 

According to the Philippines, during a patrol near Scarborough Shoal, a Philippine Coast Guard ship and a fisheries vessel encountered opposition from four Chinese Coast Guard ships and six other vessels believed to be part of a militia. The Chinese ships performed maneuvers that the Philippine Coast Guard described as dangerous. In addition, two Chinese targeted the fisheries vessel BRP Bankaw with a water cannon, while another pair simultaneously struck the BRP Bagacay, impacting the ship’s deck railing and canopy.

The confrontation caused significant damage to the Philippine fisheries vessel, impairing its electrical, navigation, and radio systems. Journalists who had been invited aboard by the Philippine government to observe witnessed the attack.   

In a statement, a government spokesman said that despite the attack, crews “were not deterred and would persist in carrying out their legitimate operations to support Filipino fisherman and ensure their safety.” 

China responds:
Gan Yu, a spokesman for China’s coast guard, said their coast guard’s response was a “necessary measure” because “the Philippines has violated China’s sovereignty with its actions.” He continued: China “will continue to carry out actions to defend its rights in the Chinese waters according to law, and will resolutely uphold our country’s maritime rights.”

This development comes as skirmishes between the Philippines and China have increased over the last two years, with the United States openly warning that China’s actions could provoke a serious escalation. 


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