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The Kremlin announced on Friday that the United States has been attempting to launch a covert influence campaign against Russian authorities.
According to Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov, Moscow’s security services have taken decisive actions to significantly reduce the impact of these efforts. This statement came in response to a question about a report that revealed former US President Donald Trump had authorized the Central Intelligence Agency to conduct a clandestine campaign on Chinese social media aimed at turning public opinion in China against its government.
Peskov said, “One thing I can say is that we have experienced such activities for many years. The United States and the relevant agencies and intelligence services have been doing the same in our country and are still trying to do so. And only decisive actions to protect the domestic political landscape and our society from attempts at such interference have largely minimized the effectiveness of the work of the US special services. However, this does not mean that they are abandoning their attempts.”
This all comes after Russia’s foreign intelligence service accused the US of meddling in the Russian presidential election, including allegations of a planned cyberattack on Russia’s online voting system. Despite these claims, the Kremlin says that Russia will not interfere in the upcoming November US presidential election, dismissing American allegations of Moscow’s involvement in influencing past US presidential elections.