At the bottom of the story are videos and photos showing the victim, along with a confession video released by the cartel. If you do not want to see the images/video, stop scrolling once the warning appears on your screen.
A Mexican cartel leader has been found dead after 80 armed men stormed a Mexican prison and kidnapped him while he was in custody. Yes, you read that right.

Samuel Avila Marin (also known as El Vago)
The cartel leader, Samuel Avila Marin (also known as El Vago of the cartel group “Los Tequileros”), was found handcuffed with padlocks and visible signs of torture on the Iguala-Ciudad Altamirano federal highway, located near San José Poliutla (Guerrero, Mexico). Police found his body and a poster with a message signed by “El Borrego,” the nickname of notorious cartel leader Jose Manuel Cuevas Arias, the head of the Familia Michoacana.

The message read, “For all the townspeople of San Miguel Totolapan and the communities of Tierra Caliente. Here lies your nightmare, the famous Vago whom I’ve broken out of the Coyuca de Catalán jail. El Borrego”

So what happened:
On December 6th, Samuel Avila Marin was transferred to Coyuca de Catalan prison, where he was serving time for kidnapping charges. According to prosecutors, Samuel Avila had multiple charges against him and was nicknamed “the nightmare” of San Miguel Totolapan. In addition, he is accused of ordering a massacre that killed 18 people in the city of San Miguel Totolapan.

According to the Guerrero prosecutor’s office, a minimum of 80 armed men associated with a rival cartel stormed the Coyuca de Catalan prison. The armed men demanded guards release Samuel Avila Marin to them. After a brief interaction, the guards caved and gave him over to the men.
Following his kidnapping, cartel members with Familia Michoacana recorded a video that showed Samuel Avila Marin surrounded by armed cartel members. In the video, Samuel admits to planning the attack in San Miguel Totolapan that killed 18 people. Shortly after the video, he was found dead on the highway

Video translation:
Sicario: Whats your name?
Captive: My name is Samuel Avila Marin aka El Vago.
Sicario: Where are you from El Vago?
Captive : I’m from Acapulco, Guerrero.
Sicario: Where were you living?
Captive: I was living in Chilpancingo (Chilpancingo, Guerrero).
Sicario: Ok. Now how about you tell me about the events that took place in San Miguel.
Captive: I was the individual who planned that attack.
Sicario: On whose orders?
Captive: It was done on the orders of Saul Beltran.
Sicario: Saul Beltran then.
Captive: I waited outside coordinating the armed attack. We had a mole inside the mayor’s office.
Sicario: What’s the name of that informant who was giving you guys all that intel inside that meeting?
Captive: His name is José Alberto Nava Palacios.
Sicario: He’s the person who told you guys everything?
Captive: He’s the individual who told us ahead of time about the meeting and who all was going to be there.
Sicario: Who contacted this mole?
Captive: It was Saul Beltran.
Sicario: Is he a friend of Saul Beltran?
Captive: I would have to say yes because he’s the one who gave us that connect in order for him to tell us what all we needed to know.
Sicario: Why did Saul want to kill this person?
Captive: He said that was his worse enemy.
Sicario: His enemy huh?
Captive: Yes.
Sicario: Wasn’t Saul once the municipal president of San Miguel Totolapan and afterwards he became a congressman?
Captive: Yes. He was initially a mayor and then went on to become a congressman.
Sicario: Who provided you guys with the firearms for that attack?
Captive: Saul gave us the weapons and funds to pay off the gunmen.
Sicario: He provided everything?
Captive: Yes.
Sicario: Ok. Was he thinking of taking over the whole town or what?
Captive: Yes. He wanted for us to take out everyone who stood in the way. And take control of the plaza so that we could move forward.
Sicario: Well, take a look around you. There’s many of us here that you’d have to get rid of first. (Camera pans right to left showing a complete picture of the armed mob of men) Are you in any way hurt, has anyone psychically hurt you on your way here?
Captive: No one has hurt me. You’re seeing me as I was brought here, free of any injuries.
Sicario: Ok then Vago. We wanted for you to clear our doubts about the events in San Miguel and now those doubts have been cleared for us. I had initially told you this wasn’t going to last long. Do you remember that I mentioned this beforehand when I first spoke to you?
Captive: Yes, you said it wasn’t going to last long.
Sicario: Very well then. I’ll see you Vago…