Officials in the Democratic Republic of Congo say they have confirmed a case of Ebola shortly after the World Health Organization said there were reports of a resurgence of the virus.

According to officials, the case was identified after samples were taken from a 46-year-old woman who died on August 15th from ebola-related symptoms.

In a statement, the World Health Organization said, “the analysis showed that the case was genetically linked to the 2018-2020 outbreak in North Kivu and Ituri Provinces- the country’s longest and largest.” Following the discovery, the World Health Organization mobilized response teams to conduct contact tracing and monitor the population. In addition, Ebola vaccinations are being sent to the region to help prevent the spread of the virus.

When asked by reporters if the woman who died was vaccinated against Ebola, the World Health Organization officials said, “it was still to be determined.” They add that their contact tracing team identified 131 contacts the woman had with others, 60 of whom are healthcare workers.