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Venezuela has arrested a former top official over accusations of collaborating with the US government to undermine the country.

What’s the deal? According to Venezuelan officials, Pedro Tellechea, the former oil minister and head of the state-owned oil company PDVSA, was arrested on accusations of collaborating with US intelligence agencies. He allegedly transferred PDVSA’s automated command and control system, referred to as the company’s “brain,” to a firm controlled by US intelligence services. According to Venezeula’s attorney General, Tellechea’s “closest collaborators” were also detained.

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Tellechea assumed the position of oil minister in early 2023 after his predecessor resigned amid corruption allegations tied to crypto. He ultimately resigned in August of 2023 and claimed his resignation was due to “health problems that required [his] immediate attention.” Following his resignation, Tellechea was not publicly seen.

Sanctions on Venezuela’s oil: For years, the United States has imposed sanctions on Venezuela’s oil sector to apply pressure on President Nicolás Maduro’s government, which it considers illegitimate due to disputed elections and allegations of human rights abuses. These sanctions, specifically targeting Venezuela’s state-owned oil company, are done to weaken the Maduro regime and force democratic reforms. In return, Venezuela has turned to countries like Russia and Iran.

Tellecha’s replacement: After Tellechea stepped down, Alex Saab, a close ally of President Nicolás Maduro, took over. Saab, a Colombian businessman, was previously in US custody for money laundering and was released in a US prisoner swap.


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