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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has once again approached Congress for more support, directly addressing Speaker Mike Johnson about the urgency due to Russian advancements.
Following a phone call with Johnson, Zelensky expressed his gratitude for the United States’ support since the onset of Russia’s invasion in February 2022. He updated Johnson on the situation on the front line, adding, “In this situation, quick passage of US aid to Ukraine by Congress is vital. We recognize that there are differing views in the House of Representatives on how to proceed, but the key is to keep the issue of aid to Ukraine as a unifying factor.”

This phone call between the two came as a contentious debate in Congress continues over providing additional military aid to Ukraine. Speaker Johnson, who has previously expressed reservations about new military aid packages, is now dealing with internal party divisions and external pressures.
Despite bipartisan Senate support for a substantial aid package, Johnson faces the challenge of aligning House GOP members, some of whom echo former President Trump’s opposition to additional Ukraine aid. Despite these challenges, Johnson, who has faced criticism from his party for his stance on Ukraine aid, has promised to prioritize this issue upon Congress’s return.
Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has threatened to challenge Johnson’s leadership if he moves forward with a vote on aid to Ukraine, citing what she perceives as a departure from conservative principles.