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As Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visits US lawmakers, the State Department has announced new sanctions targeting 250 Russian entities and individuals in response to the ongoing war in Ukraine.

According to the State Department, these sanctions are aimed at those involved in evading existing sanctions, contributing to Russia’s military operations against Ukraine, and bolstering Russia’s future energy production and export capacity. Over 100 entities and individuals will be sanctioned.
In addition to the State Department’s actions, the Treasury Department will impose sanctions on 150 individuals and entities. These include third-country actors materially supporting Russia’s war efforts and those involved in Russian military procurement networks and aiding Russia in acquiring machine tools and equipment crucial for its military-industrial base.
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen emphasized the importance of these sanctions, stating, “Our sanctions today continue to tighten the vise on willing third-country suppliers and networks providing Russia the inputs it desperately needs to ramp up and sustain its military-industrial base.”

Among the latest sanctions are measures targeting a weapons procurement network led by Chinese national Hu Xiaoxun, his defense company Jarvis HK Co., and a group of associates facilitating the sale of Chinese-made weapons to Russia. Additionally, firms based in Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, and the Maldives are also included.
This announcement comes as Zelensky visits Capitol Hill, advocating for further US aid amid stalled congressional negotiations. Zelensky’s visit also includes meetings with House leadership and President Biden.