Russian Ambassador to China Igor Morgulov has criticized the creation of new military alliances in the Asia-Pacific by the US and NATO, which he says are undermining the security architecture in the region.

During his remarks, Morgulov specifically referenced the AUKUS alliance, which includes the US, Great Britain, and Australia. He claims that behind the creation of an Australian nuclear submarine fleet lies the intention to bring NATO’s military-technological potential to the region. The ambassador stressed that the new alliance would bring problems, undermining the region’s security and stability.

In response to these challenges, Morgulov suggests that Russia and China must work to preserve the existing security structure by explaining the challenges and threats arising from NATO’s presence in Asia-Pacific to regional players. Morgulov also stated that Russia and China would increase military and military-technical cooperation with like-minded regional nations, including China. They would also continue to increase their defense capabilities to respond to the threats that NATO may create in the region.

Morgulov also welcomed China’s willingness to contribute to the peace settlement in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. He said that Moscow is considering the 12-point peace initiative presented by the Chinese Foreign Ministry, adding that many of the ideas voiced in the document align with Russia’s stance. He fully supports the principles outlined in the document, including adherence to the UN Charter and international law, the indivisibility of security, and the illegitimacy of unilateral sanctions applied bypassing the UN Security Council.

Regarding the Russian-Chinese trade turnover, Morgulov predicted that it could exceed $200 billion “with a large margin” in 2023. Russia and China have successfully coupled integration projects of Belt and Road and the Eurasian Economic Union. They have also proposed the idea of creating a Greater Eurasian Partnership based on similar processes. Morgulov also expects Beijing to lift restrictions for Russian tourists, as normal air service has been resumed between Russia and China.