The Pentagon has announced they will support service members seeking abortions by covering traveling expenses for those based in the country where the procedure is banned.

In a statement, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said, “I am committed to the Department taking all appropriate action, within its authority and consistent with applicable federal law, as soon as possible to ensure that our Service members and their families can access reproductive health care and our health care providers can operate effectively. Our service members and their families are often required to travel or move to meet our staffing, operational and training requirements. Such moves should not limit their access to reproductive health care. The practical effects of recent changes are that significant numbers of service members and their families may be forced to travel greater distances, take more time off from work and pay more out-of-pocket expenses to receive reproductive health care.”

The new policy from the Pentagon is the most recent action taken by the White House to safeguard abortion rights after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade this summer.