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China has officially launched its third aircraft carrier as the country rapidly continues to modernize its military.

A photograph of China’s new aircraft carrier “Fujian”

The ship “Fujian” is named after a Chinese province that sits directly across from Taiwan. This is China’s first fully designed and built aircraft carrier, with the other two being repurposed Soviet ships.

China’s new aircraft carrier includes highly sophisticated technologies, state-of-the-art radar jamming systems, and a catapult launch system (electromagnetic) that was initially developed by the US Navy.

A photograph of Fujian

A photograph of Fujian

According to the Chinese state-run news agency Xinhua News, the ship will undergo navigational tests for the next month before being fully deployed.

This significant development comes as China has rapidly expanded its military presence globally. Recently, China began setting up overseas bases in the African country of Djibouti and also signed a security agreement with the Solomon Islands.


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